Tuesday, August 25, 2009


provided by WebMD

Poultry also has a big part in a high-protein diet.

Think White Meat

Chicken and poultry pack plenty of punch in a high-protein diet, and if you enjoy the white meat you’ll be eating a lot less fat than if you choose dark. To slim your meal down even further, remove the skin, which is bursting with saturated fat.

Pork: A tender addition to a high-protein diet.

Look for Pork Tenderloin

It may surprise you to learn that pork tenderloin is a white meat. What’s more, the cuts available today are 31% leaner than they were 20 years ago. If you’re interested in a high-protein diet, you may want to plan on pork.

Seafood gets along swimmingly in a high-protein plan.

Lots of Protein, Healthy Fats

Fish is a no-brainer -- it’s loaded with protein and almost always low in fat. Even the types that have more fat, such as salmon, are a good choice. That’s because the fat in fish is generally the heart-healthy kind known as omega-3 fatty acid -- and most diets don’t contain enough of this good-for-you fat.

Eggs: take time to crack a few in a high-protein diet.

Eggs: Affordable, Convenient, & Tasty

Eggs are perhaps the most classic and certainly least expensive form of protein. The American Heart Association says an egg a day is safe for healthy adults, so you may want to get cracking with eggs when you’re on a high-protein diet.

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